Selecting PRP Kits


It is difficult to standardize PRP.  This lack of standardization and consistency is prevalent throughout the literature and has made it to difficult to compare results between products and results. To determine the efficacy of PRP from system to system and patient to patient, the components of PRP and the delivery system to the target tissue site should be classified.

I propose the following classification for PRP (C.A.L.V.E.S.):

C = Platelet Concentration

A = Activated Endogenous (in tissue) or Exogenous (in a test tube)

L = Leukocyte Rich or Leukocyte Poor

V = Volume (low volume is  <10cc) (high volume >10cc)

E = Extent of G-force (Fast spin or Slow Spin)

S = Single Spin or Multiple Spin

1.4 EXO LP LV 5-7 cc 5400 rpm SS
3 EXO LP LV 5 cc 3000 rpm SS
2 EXO LP LV 5 cc 2700 rpm SS
2 EXO LP LV 5 cc 2500 rpm SS
2 EXO LP LV 5 cc 3500 rpm SS
2 EXO LP LV 5 cc 3000 rpm SS

The most important factor is platelet concentration measurements of platelets.
The presence or absence of platelet activators, as well as the type of activator used, is also important.

For example, an exogenous platelet activator may be necessary to generate
a clot in certain procedures, whereas endogenous platelet activation without the use of an external clotting factor may be ideal for other indications.

Leukocyte concentration above baseline is also important to demonstrate whether a product is leukocyte is rich or poor.

  • The Volume in which is obtained is also important as different volumes are used for different applications
  • The  final element to the classification is the Speed and type of centrifugal force on PRP


Types of PRP Systems

Small Volume / Single Spin / Simple Systems

Separator Gel Systems

PRP-Separator Gel Systems

Designed for low to medium platelet Concentration (1.4X-4X)

Floating Buoy Systems – Buffy Coat

PRP-Floating Buoy Systems

Designed for Orthopedics – Lower Platelet Concentration (2x) –no separator gel.

Large Volume / Double Spin / Complex Systems

Floating Buoy Systems – Buffy Coat

Prp Test Kits

Designed for low to medium platelet Concentration (1.4X-4X)

Computer-Aided Systems

PRP kit 2

Designed for Orthopedics – Higher Platelet Concentration
(5x+) – High inflammation – High RBC and Granulocytes


Author: Dr. Pradeep Albert, MD