When arthritic deformity, the aging process or even severe injury damages the inner working of the ankle, an orthopedic doctor may recommend a total ankle arthroplasty. A surgeon’s goal is to increase ankle movement while lessening pain during activities.
Post-surgical recovery consists of immediate immobilization while staying initially in the hospital for one to several days. The foot will be kept elevated to lessen swelling and improve healing. Weight-bearing activity may start a few weeks after the procedure.
Recovery involves movement with a walker or crutches while keeping weight off your new ankle. Pain medications will help mitigate discomfort. After two weeks, you can being to start exercising for motion, still without weight on the affected ankle. Subsequent x-rays will reveal to your doctor the state of healing. He may then recommend physical therapy. PRP treatments during the surgery may increase recovery times and help you get back to your normal activities more quickly.
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